The New and the Ancient. Four violas in concert
Saturday, May 1, 2021, at 5 pm
Thirteenth concert for the 2020/21 season
of the Concerts of Cantelli
STREAMING from the Auditorium Fratelli Olivieri
Thirteenth appointment for the Concerts of Cantelli,seaso
Forever Viola Quartet
Maria Ronchini prima viola
Silvia Rossi seconda viola
Martina Raschetti terza viola
Alessio Lisato quarta viola
progetto a cura di Maria Ronchini
Garth Knox (1956)
Marin Marais Variationen (2007)
Elaborazione su Folies d’Espagne
Yoichi Sugiyama (1969)
Kinderszenen (2017, da Robert Schumann)
opera commissionata dal Museo delle arti di Ohara
prima esecuzione italiana
Ichiro Nodaira (1953)
Ciaccona (2000, trascrizione dalla Partita n. 2 per violino solo di J. S. Bach)
presentazione di Maria Ronchini
Michio Mamiya Etude Ⅳ、Ⅴ、Ⅵ
Orchestral Arrangement by Ichiro Nodaira/Bach: Goldberg Variations
Central Aichi Symphony Orchestra
Orchestra Nipponica @ Sumida Triphony Hal
Orchestra Nipponica, which specializes in performing tunes composed by Japanese composers, will present two pieces composed by Michio Mamiya, a leading contemporary Japanese composer, on Jan. 27 to mark his becoming 90 years old, at Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo’s Kinshicho district.
The concert will feature a semi-stage version of Mamiyia’s 1965 opera “Nihonzaru Sukitoorime” (“Clairvoyant Monkey Painter”), which revolves around a monkey queen, who tries to make her beauty last for ever, and a monkey painter, who tries to express on canvas the reality of a ruler’s power and ordinary people’ life.
The opera, whose libretto was written by poet Hajime Kijima (1928-2004), will be presented for the first time in 53 years since its presentation requires the use of the pipe organ and Baroque and folk instruments like the lute, the recorder and the bagpipe. The libretto, originally a story for children, has been translated into English and Czech. The coming opera performance contains the prologue, the epilogue and eight scenes in one act.
Furthermore, “Interlude for the Queen of Monkey” — Mamiya’s latest piece composed in 2018 at the request of Orchestra Nipponica — will be performed as world premier.
Takashi Otsuki (tenor), Naomi Tasaki (soporano), Kei Harada (baritone), Koji Yamashita (bass-baritone), Tatsuhiko Kitagawa (also bass-baritone) and actor Yasuhiko Nemoto will sing or act on the opera stage. Vocal Consort of Tokyo and Chor June will sing as a chorus.
Ichiro Nodaira, also known as a pianist and composer, will conduct. Tetsu Taoshita will serve as stage director and Kazutoshi Shinomi as assistant conductor.
Bach Cantatas Website
Prepared Piano
July 21st 2017 Toshiro Mayuzumi Piano Works
Interview Articles
Ichiro Nodaira talks about the Holiger Scardaneli-Zyklus
©Priska Ketterer
コンポージアム2017では、オーボエ奏者、指揮者、作曲家として活躍するハインツ・ホリガーを「武満徹作曲賞」の審査員に迎え、作曲家ホリガーの集大成といえる《スカルダネッリ・ツィクルス》(1975〜91)を日本初演します。 ホリガーに精通する作曲家・野平一郎氏に、作品の魅力、聴きどころをうかがいました。
(2016年12月 東京オペラシティ文化財団)
クラシック音楽情報誌 ぶらあぼ
スコアと演奏「野平一郎編《ゴルトベルク変奏曲》管弦楽版」解説 2/2
Goldberg-Variationen Nodaira composition music score
November 19th 2010
インタヴューならびに演奏映像は、2010年11月19日 三井住友海上しらかわホールでの世界初演時に収録したものです
都響スペシャルと称して、Steve Vaiをエレキギター、佐渡 裕を指揮に迎えて都響によりプレイされた野平一郎作曲「エレクトリック・ギターと管弦楽のための協奏曲『炎の弦』」のニュース映像。演奏収録日は’02年7月25日ですが、実際には24~26日の3日間行われています。
March 25th 2013 Shizuoka News Paper
March 16th 2013 Shizuoka Aoi Hall Event
piano accompaniment class